Approximate $2 Will Pays for Oaks-Derby DD (581 Views)

May 06, 2022 09:09PM
These are taken from the probables after the race and rounded down to the nearest dollar. They are likely not exact, but pretty close.
1. 103
2. 1245
3. 50
4. 1023
5. 195
6. 81
7. 192
8. 135
9. 476
10. 72
11. 1069
12. 64
13. 402
14. 659
15. 159
16. 182
17. 1100
18. 1302
19. 618
21. 1946
Subject Author Posted

Approximate $2 Will Pays for Oaks-Derby DD (581 Views)

Molesap May 06, 2022 09:09PM

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