> Or should we just forget all this background and just use the sheet numbers
> like always and let the chips fall where they may?
Forget all the background! Forget the workout reports! Forget the knucklehead bloggers on YouTube. Primarily... use Jerry's sheet numbers. The essential tenet here is: THE BIG BOYS WIN THE BIG RACES [the same way]. In Grade Ones, 97% of the time, it's the power trainers (the same guys, over and over and over again). In another week when Jerry posts his Final Figures for the day, we'll all look back in review and shake our heads at how sorta kinda obvious the winners were.
Note also that there are a lot of Lasix alternatives. Most horsemen and their vets have figured out replacements by now. [See tenet above.] Racing perpetuates the myth that these horses have gotten to this point on hay, oats and water alone. Not true. More and more these days, whenever a horse gets a bit nervous before entering the gate, the cameraman pans away to the skies.